Friday, February 26, 2010

Finished! 8x10'' Oil on panel ''Vintage Iron''

Done. Took me a day and a half. This method may not be for everyone, but it works for me. Have questions? Ask me. Hope this was fun for you to see my process.

More tweaking...

Keep working it...

Step 8~ Tweaking

Now it gets fun. I just start refining and building thin to thick. No light highlights yet. It's hard for me not to detail it at this point.

Step 7~apply thin color

I start painting now and lay in thin color all over.

Step 6~lay in bg color

Here I refine the background a little more,when I start to put in color I don't want that toned board to throw me off.

Palette~and linseed oil for my medium

My refs

This is my reference. I take a photo and put it up on my computer and have the object in front of me also.

Step 3~darken darks

I darken where my darks will build- still in the underpainting phase here.

Step two~

I paint dark tones where the darks will go and a thin back ground color.

Drawing on gessoed toned board.

This is my first step in prepping my paintings.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I thought this was a moth, then a friend who is a biologist corrected me and told me it is a cabbage butterfly. I loved painting it. I wanted to keep it but it sold right out from under me! I do love it when that happens! oh, this is 6x6'' Oil on panel.
My favorite candy! 8x8'' oil on board. This was fun to paint-even tho I don't like painting logos.
Deanna~ 6x6'' Oil. This is my daughter's best friend, I am always dragging her into my studio to paint her when I need someone for a quick study. She doesn't mind...we feed her.

Monday, February 22, 2010

''Blue'' 8x8'' Oil on board

I really wanted to paint something classical a few weeks ago. I like the way this turned out. I am having a custom gold panel frame built for it. Can't wait to see it framed!

"Fallen" 8x8'' Oil on board

Ah, an empty canvas...

So many possibilities, so many ideas...yet fear can stop me in my tracks. I procrastinate, I clean the bathroom and organize my closet. Why do I do this? Too much, too many things to paint!
So, here I go. It's all an adventure! One painting at a time. Good, bad, and really bad they get tossed out with the trash because you can't stand to think you could paint THAT bad. And moments when you start a painting you KNOW it's a good one, you feel it, you feel like a super hero with special powers that no one else has.

It's the proccess, good and bad, it's fun.
Paintings on the way!!